Cheryl’s sessions (usually 60-75 minutes/$140) will include shiatsu, acupuncture, or moxibustion, or a combination of all three depending on the patient’s needs and wishes.
Cheryl Coull is not taking new patients at this time.
Cheryl Coull, B.A., R.Ac, Dipl S.T., has been practicing shiatsu therapy for 25 years. She graduated with highest honours in 1991 from the Shiatsu School of Canada in Toronto, which provides one of the world’s most in-depth training programs in this ancient Japanese hands-on therapy.
Cheryl went on to complete a post-graduate program in a special branch of shiatsu – Shin So or “deeper level” Shiatsu taught by Tetsuro (Ted) Saito. Ted Saito, known as the “father of shiatsu in Canada,” introduced shiatsu therapy to Canada in 1973 when Oriental medicine was just beginning to plant roots in the West. Cheryl continues to study and work with this renowned teacher, co-facilitating seminars and writing about Shin So Shiatsu.
In 2007, Cheryl began three years of acupuncture training at the Pacific Rim College of Complementary & Integrative Medicine in Victoria, BC and simultaneously completed a Japanese Acupuncture Certificate Program further grounding her in the Japanese acupuncture styles she now practices. She graduated from PRC summa cum laude and is now a registered acupuncturist (R.Ac) with the College of Traditional Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CTCMA).
Cheryl is also an editor for the North American Journal of Oriental Medicine (NAJOM) supporting the study and development of traditional Japanese approaches to Oriental medicine. She has been greatly influenced by the journal’s founder Junji Mizutani who is inspiring a global revival of the art of moxibustion and supporting scientific research into its effects.
Cheryl’s practice blends the hands-on emphasis of shiatsu therapy with Japanese-style acupuncture (the judicious use of very fine needles, moxibustion, and other tools devised by innovative Japanese teachers) to gently and powerfully influence the healthy movement of energy in the human body and alleviate the discomfort of a wide range of conditions.
Cheryl Coull works with Shin So Shiatsu colleague Meriel Cammell of Saltspring Island, BC (Robin Grant photos).
Tetsuro Saito: Celebrating Forty Years of Shiatsu in Canada by Cheryl Coull (in NAJOM)
Acupuncture and the Raison D'Etre for Alternative Medicine with Bruce Pomeranz, PhD (Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine)
Is There a Role for Post-mortem Acupuncture? by Jeffrey Dann (in NAJOM)